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Social Justice: Web Resources

Web Resources

  • American Association for the Advancement of Science  
    SHR Coalition -- Resources, includes annotated bibliography on science and human rights.
  • Amnesty International: Working to Protect Human Rights  
    Important feature is the "Library," an archive of reports, AV, appeals for action, newsletters and press materials.
  • Arabic Network for Human Rights Information  
    Defending freedom of expression in the Arab world.
  • Business & Human Rights Resource Center  
  • Human Rights Watch  
    "... dedicated to protecting the human rights of people around the world..."
  • Human Security Gateway  
    ... an information and research database containing over 27,000 English and French-language resources related to conflict and human security. Publishes the Human Security Report.
  • HuriDocs: Human Rights Information and Documentation Systems, International  
  • United Nations human rights home page  
  • University of Minnesota Human Rights Library  
    More than 60,000 documents, full-text, research guides, etc., and links to thousands of other sites. "A key resource for research."
  • US Dept of State: Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor  
  • Human Security Gateway

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