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Social Justice: Bibliography


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Cannon Memorial Library

Social Justice: Bibliography


Encyclopedia of activism and social justice [electronic resource] / editors, Gary L. Anderson & Kathryn G. Herr. [Gale virtual reference library] Sage Publications, c2007. HM671 .E53 2007


Poverty in the United States: an encyclopedia of history, politics, and policy / edited by Gwendolyn Mink and Alice O'Connor. Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-CLIO, c2004. 

REF  HC110.P6 P598 2004 


Social issues in science and technology: an encyclopedia / David E, Newton. Santa Barbara, Calif. ABC-CLIO, c1999. 

REF Q175.5  .N49 1999


·         E-BOOKS

Bearing witness to crime and social justice [electronic resource] / Richard Quinney. (NetLibrary) State University of New York Press, 2001     HV6019 .Q56 2001eb


Beyond red and blue: How twelve political philosophies shape American debates [NetLibrary] by Peter S. Wenz. Cambridge, Mass MIT Press, 2009.


The Costa Rican Catholic Church, social justice, and the rights of workers, 1979-1996 [electronic resource] / Dana Sawchuk. Waterloo, Ont.: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2004. BX1436.2 S28 2004eb


Democracy’s dilemma [electronic resource]: environment, social equity, and the global economy / Robert C. Paehlke. MIT Press, c2003.  JC423 .P222 2003eb


 Disability, difference, discrimination [electronic resource]: perspectives on justice in bioethics and public policy / Anita Silvers, David Wasserman, and Mary B. Mahowald; afterword by Lawrence C. Becker. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c1998. HV3023.A3 S55 1998eb


Economic theory and social justice [electronic resource] / edited by Giancarlo Gandolfo and Ferruccio Marzano. St. Martin's Press, 1999.  HB171 .E247 1999eb


Education and justice [electronic resource]: a view from the back of the bus / Edmund W. Gordon. NY: Teachers College Press, c1999. LC213.2 .G65 1999eb


Ethics of consumption [electronic resource]:  the good life, justice, and global stewardship / edited by David A. Crocker and Toby Linden. Rowman & Littlefield, c1998.  HB801 .E85 1998eb



Free markets and social justice [electronic resource] / Cass R. Sunstein. Oxford University Press, 1999, 1997.  K487.E3 S86 1999eb


Freedom and community [electronic resource]:  the ethics of interdependence / Erich H. Loewy. State University of New York Press, c1993.  HM126 .L595 1993eb


The good society [electronic resource]: the humane agenda / John Kenneth Galbraith. Houghton Mifflin Co., 1996. HB846 .G35 1996eb (also available in print).


Justice and democracy [electronic resource]: cross-cultural perspectives / edited by Ron Bontekoe, Marietta Stepaniants. University of Hawai'i Press, c1997. JC423 .J87 1997eb


Lifting up the poor [electronic resource]: a dialogue on religion, poverty & welfare reform / Mary Jo Bane, Lawrence M. Mead.  Brookings Institution Press, c2003. HV91 .B25 2003eb


The moral imagination: The art and soul of building peace [NetLibrary] / by John Paul Lederach. New York: Oxford University Press (US), 2005.


One with Nineveh [electronic resource]: politics, consumption, and the human future / Paul R. Ehrlich and Anne H. Ehrlich.  Washington: Island Press: Shearwater Books, c2004. HC79.E5 E354 2004eb


Pilgrim law [electronic resource] / Robert E. Rodes, Jr.  University of Notre Dame Press, c1998. BL65.J87 R63 1998eb


Poverty in America [electronic resource]: a handbook / John Iceland. 2nd ed. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2006. HC110.P6 I25 2006eb



Race, law, and American society [electronic resource]: 1607 to present / Gloria J. Browne-Marshall ; foreword by Derrick Bell. New York: Routledge, c2007. KF4755 .B76 2007eb


Radical equations: math literacy and civil rights [NetLibrary] / by Robert Parris Moses, Charles E Cobb. Boston: Beacon Press, 2002.


Rescuing the enlightenment from itself [electronic resource]: critical and systemic implications for democracy / editor, Janet McIntyre-Mills. Springer, c2006.  JZ1305 .R46 2006eb


Seeking social justice through globalization [electronic resource]: escaping a nationalist perspective / Gavin Kitching. Pennsylvania State University Press, 2001.  HM671 .K57 2001eb


Taking the high road [electronic resource]: communities organize for economic change / David B. Reynolds. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, c2002. HN65 .R477 2002eb


Walls and bridges [electronic resource]: social justice and public policy / Anthony J. Cortese. [SUNY series in public policy] State University of New York Press, c2003. HM671 .C67 2003eb


What justice? Whose justice? [electronic resource]: fighting for fairness in Latin America / edited by Susan Eva Eckstein and Timothy P. Wickham-Crowley. University of California Press, c2003. HM671 .W47 2003eb


Where are all the young men and women of color? : Capacity enhancement practice in the criminal justice system [NetLibrary] / by Delgado, Melvin. New York : Columbia University Press, 2001.




·         PRINT BOOKS

Bioethics and the common good / Lisa Sowle Cahill. [The Père Marquette Lecture in Theology 2004.] Marquette University Press, Milwaukee, WI, 2004. QH332 .C344 2004


A Catholic call to justice: an activity book for raising awareness of social justice issues / Catholic Campaign for Human Development; Catholic Relief Service. United States Catholic Conference, 1998. HN37.C3 C368 1998 (31 p.)


Catholic social teaching and movements / Marvin L. Krier Mich. Twenty-Third Publications, c1998. HN37.C3 M53 1998


Children’s rights: multidisciplinary approaches to participation and protection. Tom O’Neill and Dawn Zinga, eds. University of Toronto press, 2008. HQ789 .C55 2008


Conspiracy to murder: the Rwandan genocide / Linda Melvern. New York: Verso, 2004.                  DT450.435 .M423 2004


Contemporary social and political philosophy / James P. Sterba. Wadsworth, c1995.

HM216 .S75 1995


The core international human rights treaties / Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.  REF K3238 .C67 2006 


Criminal justice and the Catholic Church / Andrew Skotnicki. Lanham, Md : Rowman & Littlefield, c2008. BX1795.J87 S56 2008


Criminal justice ethics / edited by Paul Leighton and Jeffrey Reiman. Prentice Hall, c2001.                    HV9950 .C74316 2001


Current debates in global justice / ed. by Gillian Brock and Darrel Moellendorf. “Studies in global justice” v.2  Springer, c2005.   HM671 .C87 2005


Darfur’s sorrow:  a history of destruction and genocide / M.W. Daly. Cambridge University Press, 2007. DT159.6.D27 D35 2007


Democracy’s dilemma: environment, social equity, and the global economy / Robert C. Paehlke. MIT Press, c2003.  JC423 .P222 2003   (print copy and e-book).


Dimensions of justice and peace in religious education / Justice/Peace Education Council, Loretta Carey ... [et al.]. National Catholic Educational Association, c1989. JC578 .J88 1989


Ecclesia of women in Asia: gathering the voices of the silenced. Ed. by Evelyn Monteiro and Antoinette Butzler. ISPCK. Delhi, 2005


First things: an inquiry into the first principles of morals and justice / Hadley Arkes. Princeton University Press, c1986.  HM216 .A65 1986


Free trade: [opposing viewpoints] / Mitchell Young, book editor. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, c2009.                 HF1713 .F7353 2009


Globalization, spirituality, and justice: navigating a path to peace / Daniel G. Groody. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, c2007. BX1795.G66 G76 2007


The good society [electronic resource]: the humane agenda / John Kenneth Galbraith. Houghton Mifflin Co., 1996. HB846 .G35 1996eb (print and e-book).


The Gospel of peace and justice:  Catholic social teaching since Pope John / presented by Joseph Gremillion. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, c1976.  HN37.C3 G66 1976


Handbook for social justice in counseling psychology: leadership, vision, and action / Rebecca L. Toporek ... [et al.]. Sage Publications, c2006.  BF637.C6 H3115 2006


Just sustainabilities: development in an unequal world / edited by Julian Agyeman, Robert D. Bullard, and Bob Evans. MIT Press, 2003. HC79.E5  J87 2003


Justice and peace: a Christian primer / J. Milburn Thompson. Orbis Books, c2003.  BR115.J8 T46 2003


Racial issues in criminal justice: the case of African Americans / edited by Marvin D. Free, Jr. Westport, Conn.:  Praeger, 2003. HV9950 .R33 2003


Reconciliation in a world of conflicts / edited by Luiz Carlos Susin and María Pilar Aquino. [Concilium] SCM Press, c2003. BX1751.2.A1 C56 2003 v.5


Renewing the earth: an invitation to reflection and action on environment in light of Catholic Social Teaching / A Pastoral Statement of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Washington, D.C.: USCC, 1992.


Rethinking mathematics: teaching social justice by the numbers / edited by Eric Gutstein and Bob Peterson. Rethinking Schools, c2005. QA10.7 .G8878 2005


The riverkeepers: two activists fight to reclaim our environment as a basic human right / John Cronin and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Simon & Schuster, 1999. GE197 .C76 1999


School choice and social justice / Harry Brighouse. Oxford University Press, 2000. LB1027.9 .B75 2000


Social justice: [opposing viewpoints] / William Dudley, book editor. Greenhaven Press, c2005. HN90.S6 S56 2005


Social justice: the teachings of Catholics, Protestants, Jews, and Muslims / James J. Horgan, Lucy Fuchs, editors. Saint Leo College Press, 1992. HM216 .S62 1992


Terrible fate: ethnic cleansing in the making of modern Europe / Benjamin Lieberman. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2006.   D359 .L674 2006


The theatre of genocide: four plays about mass murder in Rwanda, Bosnia, Cambodia, and Armenia / edited by Robert Skloot. Madison, Wis.: University of Wisconsin Press, c2008.  PS623 .T48 2008



A force more powerful [videorecording]: a century of nonviolent conflict / a production of York Zimmerman Inc. and WETA Washington, D.C.; written, produced and directed by Steve York. Films for the Humanities & Sciences, c2002. [6 videodiscs] HM1281 .F67 2002


Among the People: facing poverty in America [VHS videocassette] Produced and directed by Christopher A. Salvador / Catholic Campaign for Human Development. Washington, DC, 2002.  (Viewing time 53 mins.)

BX 2347.8 .P66 A66


Dying to leave: the dark business of human trafficking. DVD, Films for the Humanities & Sciences. 2004. Originally part of a television series titled “Wide angle.”  HT867 .D95 2004


 Trafficking Cinderella / written and directed by Mira Niagolova. DVD  HQ281 .T73 2000