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EDU 436 Writing Across the Curriculum: Original: General Resources

Resources for Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies

Databases for Education

The databases listed below provide abstracts and full text articles from peer reviewed journals, non-peer reviewed journals, magazines and newspapers.  (A peer reviewed journal consists of articles that have been reviewed by a panel of subject experts before they are approved for publication.)

To access these databases, click on the title and login with the same user name and password that you use for your Saint Leo email. 


Scholarly, multi-disciplinary full text database.  After logging in to EBSCO, click on "All EBSCOhost Reference Databases," select the appropriate databases below, click on "Continue," then enter your search terms in the search box.


Florida Electronic Library

A collection of resources for Florida residents, only accessible within the state of Florida.  Includes databases, newspapers, magazines, and journals.  See "Teachers' Resources."


Includes a wide range of academic journals in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences.


Literature Resource Center

Includes the core collection for LRC, along with these added collections: Contemporary Literary Criticism Online, Poetry Criticism, and Twayne's Authors. 







Below is a sample list of books for Writing Across the Curriculum.  To view the complete list, click on the Word Document icon below.  To search for a book in the library catalog, click here:  OCLC Worldcat.  If you cannot locate a book, see the HELP page for assistance.


Atwell, N. (2002). Lessons that change writers. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Jago, C. (2002). Cohesive writing: Why concept is not enough. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Topkins, G. (2000). Teaching writing: Balancing process and project (3rd ed.).  Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.



Below is a sample list of e-books for Writing Across the Curriculum that can be read online. To search for an e-book in the catalog, click here:  OCLC Worldcat.  

  • After you locate the book in the catalog, click on "View online." 
  • Login in with the user name and password that you use for your Saint Leo email.  
  • You may use the search option in the e-book to locate specific information in the book. 
  • If you cannot locate a book in the catalog, try searching directly in EBSCO ebooks or Ebrary

Fisher, R., & Williams, M. (2004). Unlocking creativity: Teaching across the curriculum. London: David Fulton.

Graham, S., MacArthur, C. A., & Fitzgerald, J. (2007). Best practices in writing instruction. New York: Guilford Press.

Kuta, D. W. (2008). Reading and writing to learn: Strategies across the curriculum. Santa Barbars, CA: Greenwood. 

Urquhart, V., & McIver, M. (2005). Teaching writing in the content areas. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. 

  Journal Articles

Below is a sample list of journal articles for Writing Across the Curriculum.  To view the complete list, click on the Word Document icon below.  To retrieve an article from a database, use the green "Databases" box on the left.  If you cannot locate an article, see the HELP page for assistance.


Morris, B. (1991). Writing to learn in disciplines: Detroit teachers combine research and practiceintheir classrooms.  Retrieved from ERIC database (ED333420).

Neeley, J. (1989). Reading and writing in the content area. Retrieved from ERIC database (ED384854).

Peterson, S. (2007). Teaching content withthe help of writing across the curriculum.  Middle School Journal, 39(2), 26-33. Retrieved from ERIC database (EJ779054).