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English 121: Guide: What do you know?

Modules for each section of English 121

Final Reflection Assignment


In this module, you have been studying the concept of metacognition and learned that it is what separates successful learners from ones who may not be as successful in their learning. That is because to be successful, and in any task, for that matter, it is crucial to consider and evaluate the process of accomplishing that task. So, in this assignment, you will be going back to the beginning of the course, when you first read the syllabus and the learning outcomes for the class, looking over all submitted assignments and acquired knowledge in the process of taking this class to then compose a written reflection based on your metacognitive process and an oral presentation sharing your points with the classmates.  


Compose a comprehensive reflection of your achievements in the course, specifically focusing on, but not limiting yourself to, the seven course learning outcomes. Talk about what you read, wrote, understood, learned, not only about the content of the course, but also about yourself. Use all rhetorical strategies at your disposal and take advantage of all the textual artifacts you have created during this class and utilize the content of the Mini Reflections you composed throughout the course to piece together this comprehensive document. The most relevant points of this written assignment will be also presented to the class as your Oral Presentation and will demonstrate your growth as a writer and a community member, thus showing your Personal Development and commitment to Excellence.  

Elements Required in the Reflection 

  1. Discussion of all three stages of the Metacognitive process as it relates to this course. 

  1. Discussion of specific learning outcomes listed in the Syllabus and your confidence in the learning of the content.  

  1. The reflection on any possible modifications, adjustments you will be making to your learning process. 

  1. The application of the learned content in this class to other classes you are or will be taking and to the life you have outside of academics.