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ENG 498: Senior Seminar: Unrealistic SEXpectations in 50 Shades of Grey

Books from Library Catalog

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Fifty Shades of Feminism: An Analysis of Feminist Attitudes and ‘Grey Behaviors’
Front cover image for Fifty Shades of Feminism: An Analysis of Feminist Attitudes and ‘Grey Behaviors’
Publication year:
  • Sexuality & Culture : An Interdisciplinary Quarterly v22 n2 (201806): 632-650
Held by: 
Saint Leo University Cannon Memorial Library
  • This paper discusses the results of an MTurk survey (n = 479) that was designed to determine how acceptable Americans find the behaviors outlined in the <i>Fifty Shades of Grey</i> series, especially when they self-identify with feminist ideologies. The behaviors that this series eroticizes clearly reflect interpersonal violence. This coupled with the series’ unprecedented international success raises concerns for many scholars. We asked men and women to rank the level of acceptability on a ‘Grey Behavior’ scale, which included measures of control of person outside the context of ‘kinky’ sex. Furthermore, we asked subjects to rank their attitudes regarding the basic tenants of the feminist ideology in order to determine if support of gender equality influenced these perceptions of acceptability. Our findings suggest that despite the popularity of the book, neither men nor women report these behaviors as personally acceptable.