Databases will ALSO contain book reviews - keep that in mind when looking for articles.
Some articles will be reviews (usually they are clearly labeled), and not all articles will be peer reviewed.
Reminder: You are expected to purchase your book(s), however you may search for and review current library books to see if they interest you.
If the library does not own an article or supporting book and you wish to have the library obtain a copy for you, please fill out an Inter Library Loan Request. Do this as soon as possible, as it can take a week to ten days to get a book. Reminder - you may not write in library books.
You can get help with your research and writing at the library.
Library Reference Desk (800) 359-5945;
Writing help:
See your Syllabus for more detailed information concerning how you will be graded, and the expectations for the Final Book Report.
Scholarly reviews are written for scholars by scholars. These reviews place the book within the scholarly discourse, compare the book to other works in the field, and analyze the author's methodology, interpretations, and conclusions. Due to this amount of engagement with the book, reviews of academic titles may appear two or three years after publication of the book.