A primary source is a document or physical object which was written or created by someone who lived through the event/time period.
A secondary source interprets and analyzes primary sources. These sources are one or more steps removed from the event.
Examples of secondary sources include:
Time line of some events, with books listed that cover that topic
Mines Act 1908, which provided for an 8-hour day in all mines
Trades Boards Act 1909 which established the first minimum wage system
Labour Exchanges Act 1909 setting up offices to help unemployed people find work.
National Insurance Act 1911 providing sickness and unemployment benefits.
The Gathering Storm by Winston S. Churchill 1919-1940
1915 Gallipoli campaign, Naval Attack on Turkey
1919 Substantially reduced the RAF as Secretary of State for Air
1922 He was in charge of drawing the map of much of the Middle East - See more at: http://historynewsnetwork.org/article/7526#sthash.fJJJL0HI.dpuf
Iraq, Turkey, Greece.... the Kurds..... Modern Day Middle East
1925 as Chancellor of the Exchequer he took Britain back on to the gold standard at the pre-war fix of $4.86 to the pound.
1929 he began his “wilderness years”, and adopted resistance to Indian self-government as one of his main causes. Could have gotten involved and rallied the British public much earlier if he had mended fences with his “Frenemies”? (Eden coalition)
1932 - opposed those who advocated giving Germany the right to military parity with France,
Wrote The Gathering Storm (call # D743 .C47 v.1), and tried to warn of Hitler’s intent.
1936 Churchill was passed over for the post of Minister for Co-ordination of Defence; could he have obtained that post and accelerated Britiain’s military defense preparations?
Norway After Germany had occupied Norway and most of the German navy had been sunk or severely damaged, the British and French navies withdrew, rendering moot the lost ships, planes and men and allowing Germany use of a very long coast to sink the allied ships with submarines and planes, to attack the USSR from northern Finland and to bomb Scotland.
Year by Year: 1936 (Films on Demand)
1939 Poland over-run by Germany. Allies do not come to assistance.
1939 Chamberlain appointed Churchill to the Cabinet as the First Lord of the Admiralty
1940 (July 3) Operation Catapult: Sinking of French Fleet.
1940 Battle of Dunkirk Churchill “ It was a colossal military disaster..wars are not won by evacuations”
1941 Churchill again pleads with the US: "give us the tools."
1942 World War II: Exeter becomes the first city bombed
1943 Construction of prototype Mark I Colossus computer, the world's first totally electronic programmable computing device, at the Post Office Research Station, Dollis Hill, to assist in cryptanalysis at Bletchley Park, is completed