| Hi-Tech Highlights | Computer & Internet (as a subject) journals on the Internet | Programming, Software, & Hardware Links | Handhelds, Smartphones, and Wireless Technology | Computer & Network Security | Blogs
- APPS Enterprise Today: News and Analysis of Software Applications and Web Services
- Current Issues in Web Usability: What makes a website usable? What sends people away from a site? Find out here
- Dr. Dobb's Journal: DDJ has led the computer press in covering practical technology. Covers all programming languages, platforms, and tools
- Information Week: The site for people who build, buy, invest in, seek to understand or manage business technology. Awarded best business-to-business web site
- Internet Advisor: "What To Do & How to Do It" - as it relates to computers and the web
- Journal of Artificial Intelligence: JAIR covers all areas of artificial intelligence (AI), publishing referred research articles, survey articles, and technical notes
- Journal of Computer-Aided Environmental Design and Education articles on the creative use of computers in CAD design education, integration of computers into design studios, use if multimedia technologies, autoCAD teaching methods, etc.
- Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (JCMC) Award winning full-text journal covering email, char, and other aspects of communicating online or with a computer
- Journal of the Association for History and Computing: any topic related to the use of computing in history, such as the application of computers to historical research, writing, teaching (At any level, including K-12) or disseminating historical knowledge
- PC World and the Top 100 computer magazines
- Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction
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- CNETs Latest security news and privacy
- ComputerWorld's Security Topic Center
- eWeek's: IT Security News and Reviews
- Information Technology Security: Governance, Strategy, and Practice in Higher Education. Survey results of 435 higher education institution as 42 interviews at 18 institutions
- Federal level website to aid in online safety and security
- Microsoft's Safety and Security Center
- SANS Institute's Information Security Resources
- SCMagazines latest news, breaches, malware, patches, whitepapers, and more
- Security Week
- Stay Safe Online
- Total Defense Protection: Research news, blog, malware encyclopedia, glossary, and newest threats
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- Weblogs on resources, tips, how-to's, commentaries, and ideas on technology, computers, gadgets, the internet, software, hardware and all things digital
- AnandTech Web Blog: A blog for hardware analysis and news. It is updated regularly and XML-enabled
- Anita Borg Institute: ABI has developed tools and programs designed to help industry, academia, and government recruit, retain, and develop women technology leaders
- Aging In Place Technology Watch: Research firm that has blog information on technology information for boomers and seniors to remain connected through means of technology
- BoomerTechTalk: Created to fill the void for the average person who finds modern technology & the internet overwhelming. It's for those who want to join the tech generation, but are baffled by its apparent intricacies
- Channel 9: Interesting blogs, videos, and commentaries on emerging technology, apps, events and more
- GigaOm: Some news, but mostly analysis of newest happenings in the tech world
- SANS Institute: Blogs on computer forensics, security awareness, cloud security, penetration testing, software security, and more
- Shebytes: Female professional blogger and tech entrepreneur. The "IT" blog includes emerging technologies and how they can improve your lifestyle
- TeensinTech: Provides tools and resources to young entrepreneurs to help promote entrepreneurship at any age
- Tony Bradley's blog about computer and network security, information technology, and communications
- TheUnofficial Apple Weblog: A great resource for all things Apple and beyond featuring news stories, credible rumors, and how-to's
- VentureBeat: News about various startups, new ideas, exciting products, and technology company news from gaming technology to political technology
- The Whiteboard Blog: Supporting Technology in the Classroom: Posts include various videos, tutorials, and resources for primary and secondary school teachers
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