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IDS 300: The Happiness Class: Module 5: Creativity

An interdisciplinary study of the social, psychological, theological, and artistic responses to human happiness and joy, this course explores what it means to flourish. In the course of this study, we will particularly contemplate the role of creativity,

The Creativity-Happiness Connection


Response Paper 6 – Guest Speaker: Dr. Eric Hannel – Due in Class on October 15


Response Paper 7 – Photographing Happiness – Due in Class on October 20

Throughout the course of a random day, take pictures of your everyday life. As you do this, think about the things that bring you happiness or represent sources of happiness for you. Some examples might be your favorite view of campus, your close friends, your athletic gear, or a tasty dessert. In your response,speculate on how creative endeavors can increase happiness. Of the photographs you take, be prepared to share 5 of them with the class.


Journal Entry 5 – Creativity – Due in Class on October 27

TED: Flow, The Secret to Happiness

Creativity and Happiness Should Be Priorities in Child Development

Happiness in Motion: The Quest for Happiness as Depicted in Film