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CRJ 500: International Sex Trafficking of Women & Children: Library Resources


Cannon Memorial Library On-Site Resources

Library Services

Librarians are available during reference hours to answer questions concerning research strategies, database searching, locating specific materials, and interlibrary loan (ILL). Contact Carol Moon ( to arrange on-site library/research instruction for your class.


Cannon Memorial Library - MC2128       352.588.8258 (Main Number)   
33401 SR 52       352.588.8259 (Fax)   
Saint Leo, FL 33574-6665             352.588.8477 (Reference Desk)  
      352.588.8476 (Circulation Desk)  


Cannon Memorial Library

Summer Reference Hours
Monday - Thursday       8am-5pm
Friday       8am-5pm
Saturday       8am-7pm
Sunday       8am-7pm

Online Catalog "OCLC Worldcat" (All books & media)

Click on Library Catalog on the Cannon Memorial Library website ( to search OCLC Worldcat. Type your information you are looking for into the search box and click search. To borrow books from Cannon Memorial Library and have them shipped to you, simply click on the Interlibrary Loan  link on the Cannon Memorial Library website, complete the online request form, and submit it.


Saint Leo Library Online Resources

Saint Leo provides its own array of online databases and resources supporting online courses as well as Continuing Education classes. The following databases are available to Saint Leo students & faculty. Use the Databases link on the Library webpage. Yoi will be taken to a list of databases with their descriptions; after clicking on the selected database, you will be directed to an ID Validation screen, where you will enter your eMail address & eMail password to gain access. Once you are logged in, you can go back & reselect any of our databases without having to log in again.  

Local Area Library Resources

Almost all public library systems offer free borrowing privileges to local community members, as well as free access to their online databases, including access from your home. The key is obtaining a library card. Check with your local library to find out how to get a borrower's card.

Additionally, through a reciprocal agreement, university campus students have borrowing privileges at the University of South Florida. Be sure to bring a current Saint Leo student ID card and proof of current enrollment with you, if you want to borrow USF Library books. 

Get Help

Cannon Memorial Library

Reference Desk: 800.359.5945

Circulation Desk: 352.588.8476

eMail us

Reference Hours

Monday - Thursday 8am-10pm

Friday - 8am-6pm

Saturday- 10am-6pm

Sunday- 10am-6pm

Subject Research Guide

The Subject Research Guide contains key resources within your subject area and is designed to assist you in getting started with your research