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Dramaturgy Subject Research Guide: Careers and Jobs in Dramaturgy

What Can I Do With a Degree in Dramaturgy?

People with degrees in Dramaturgy often go into careers such as:

  • Stage manager
  • Casting
  • Education in theatre

People with degrees in theatre often go into fields such as:

  • Artistic administration
  • Writing for stage or media
  • Acting (stage or media)
  • Talent scouting
  • Stage management
  • Journalistic criticism
  • Public relations

Finding Jobs in Dramaturgy

If you're a student looking to jumpstart your career in Accounting with a related job or internship, Career Services at Saint Leo University can help. You can also use your Handshake account to search for student jobs and internships. Click here to learn more about Handshake and how to access job postings.