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Below is a list of print (hard copy) periodicals and journals that the library subscribes to. These publications are located in the Periodicals Section of the Cannon Memorial Library on the main floor. Periodicals do not circulate and may only be used in the library.
American Behavioral Scientist
American Demographics
American Political Science Review
American Scholar
Annals of the
Brookings Review
Business and Society Review
CQ Researcher
CQ Weekly
Catholic Worker
Congressional Digest
Current Anthropology
Current History
Foreign Affairs
Foreign Policy
Foreign Policy Bulletin
Governing: The States and Localities
International Affairs
International Journal of
Journal of
Journal of Politics
National Review
New American
New Perspectives Quarterly
New Republic
New Yorker
Perspectives on Politics
Philosophy and Public Policy Quarterly
Political Science Quarterly
Public Administration Review
Refugees Magazine
Review of Politics
Social Education
Social Security Bulletin
Social Studies
UN Chronicle
Vital Speeches