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UE: SOC 110HA: McDonaldization of Society - Dr. VOK: Journal articles

Guide for Soc 110HA.

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This tab gives access to journal articles mentioned in the readings, organized by chapter. To learn more about what a journal article is, please consult the Sociology LibGuide, available through the LibGuides main page.

You may use articles from this list to write your course assignments, unless otherwise instructed by your professor.

1: Introduction to McDonaldization

"McDonaldization: Chicago, America, the World." Special issue of the American Behavioral Scientist, October 2003:$5bqueryType$3dpubbrowseDescending:OS$3b+sortType$3dpageNumberAsc$3b+searchTerms$3d$5b$3cAND$7cpubid:40592$3e$5d$3b+searchParameters$3d$7binstance$3dprod.academic$7d$3b+metaData$3d$$3d02003Y10Y01$23Oct+2003$3b_$25+Vol.+47+$282$29,$3dThe+American+Behavioral+Scientist$7d$5d/1/The+American+Behavioral+Scientist/02003Y10Y01$23Oct+2003$3b++Vol.+47+$282$29?accountid=4870

O'Toole, Lauren. 2009. "McDonald's at the Gym? A Tale of Two Curves." Qualitative Sociology 32(1): 75-91:

Ram, Uri. 2004. "Glocommodification: How the Global Consumes the Local-McDonald's in Israel." Current Sociology 52(1): 11-31:

Ritzer, George. 2002. "Revolutionizing the World of Consumption: A Review of Three Popular Books." Journal of Consumer Culture 2(1): 103-18:

Kalberg, Stephen. 1980. "Max Weber's Types of Rationality: Cornerstones for the Analysis of Rationalization Processes in History." American Journal of Sociology 85(5): 1145-79:

Hartman, Tod. 2007. "On the Ikeazation of France." Public Culture 19(3):483-98:

Stillman, Todd. 2003. "McDonald's in Question: The Limits of the Mass Market." American Behavioral Scientist 47(2):

2: The Past, Present, and Future of McDonaldization

Greisman, H.C. 1976. "Disenchantment of the World: Romanticism, Aesthetics, and Sociological Theory." British Journal of Sociology 27(4): 497-506:

Turner, Bryan S. 2003. "McDonaldization: Linearity and Liquidity in Consumer Cultures." American Behavioral Scientist 47(2):

Kincheloe, Joe. 2002. "The Complex Politics of McDonald's and the New Childhood: Colonizing Kidworld." Pp. 75-122 in Kidworld: Childhood Studies, Global Perspectives, and Education, edited by Gaile S. Cannella and Joe L. Kincheloe. New York: Peter Lang. Book available through the Cannon Memorial Library at:

3: Efficiency and Calculability

Ritzer, George and David Walczak. 1987. "The Changing Nature of American Medicine." Journal of American Culture 9: 43-51:

Ritzer, George and Nathan Jurgenson. 2010. "Production, Consumption, Prosumption: The Nature of Capitalism in the Age of the Digital Consumer." Journal of Consumer Culture 10(1): 13-36:

Ide, Thomas R. and Arthur J. Cordwell. 1994. "Automating Work." Society 31:

Beel, Joran and Bela Gipp. 2009. "Google Scholar's Ranking Algorithm: An Introductory Overview." Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics:

4: Predictability and Control

Cain, Louis. 2003. "From Big Shoulders to Big Macs." American Behavioral Scientist 47(2):

Salva-Ramirez, Mary-Angie. 1995. "McDonald's: A Prime Example of Corporate Culture." Public Relations Quarterly 40(4):

Gracey, Harry L. 1967. "Learning the Student Role: Kindergarten as Academic Bootcamp."

Gruneir, Andrea, Vincent Mor, Sherry Weitzen, Rachael Truchil, Joan Teno, and Jason Roy. 2007. "Where People Die: A Multilevel Approach to Understanding Influences on Site of Death in America." Medical Care Research and Review 64: 351-378

5: The Irrationality of Rationality

Finkelstein, Joanne. 2003. "The Taste of Boredom: McDonaldization and Australian Food Culture." American Behavior Scientist 47(2):

Alter, D. A. and K. Eny. 2005. "The Relationship between the supply of fast-food chains and cardiovascular outcomes." Canadian Journal of Public Health, 96: (SCROLL DOWN TO THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE TO DOWNLOAD)

6: Dealing with McDonaldization

Klagge, Jay. 1997. "Approaches to the Iron Cage: Reconstructing the Bars of Weber's Metaphor." Administration & Society 29(1):

7: Globalization and the Possibility of the DeMcDonaldization of Society?

Forlano, Laura. 2009. "Wi-Fi Geographies: When Code Meets Place." Information Society 25:344-52.(