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UE: HUM 110: Giants of the Arts: Module 3

Giants of the Arts will examine a select group of artists who, through the test of time, have been recognized as true masters; whose works advanced their art form(s), who became a significant influence within their field(s), and who continue to influence

Module 3


Aim of this Module

To recognize that the instinct for the dramatic appears to be basic to human nature; to understand the conventions of the theater in various historical periods from the Greeks to the present, as well as to some of the great dramatic works and their creators. 


Chapter 7: Theater

Sophocles' Oedipus Rex


THEATER - Sophocles' Oedipus Rex

The dramatic instinct spurs us to make sense out of life by imitating it, to project ourselves into make believe, to willingly suspend disbelief. Theatrical conventions are the conditions that the theater-going audience agrees to accept as real. These theatrical conventions have changed through history and take different forms in different cultures, and accepting them is part of the pleasure of going to plays. Classical tragedy involves one central character, or protagonist. This hero has a tragic flaw that leads to his downfall. Sophocles’ masterpiece, Oedipus the King, features a model tragic hero in Oedipus, who recognizes that he is responsible for his own downfall. 

Ancient Greek Theatre

This is Agamemnon, a play written by Aeschylus. This performance strives to remain true to what an ancient Greek theatre performance would have looked like.