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UE: REL 223HM: Religions of the World I: Western Religions: Cannon Memorial Library Resources

A study of Western religions, including religions of non-literate societies and ancient religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Cannon Memorial Library

Librarians are available during reference hours to assist you. To contact the librarian on duty, please call 1.800.359.5945 or email

Reference Desk is staffed during these hours **

Monday to Thursday   8 AM - 9PM
Friday                          8AM - 5PM
Saturday                     12 PM - 5 PM
Sunday                      12 PM - 9 PM

**Subject to change. Check the library website for current information. 


Online Catalog "LeoCat" (All Books, eBooks, and Media)

Click on Library Catalog (OCLC Worldcat) on the Cannon Memorial Library homepage. SLU students, faculty and staff may borrow books from Cannon Memorial Library. Books you can check-out have Location = Cannon Library, Second Floor and Status = Available. Use the Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery link on the library's website to place your request. 

Online Library Resources (Articles and eBooks)

Saint Leo provides an array of online article databases and eBook collections that support your classes. Use the Online Library Resources link on teh Cannon Memorial Library homepage to access teh online resources. 

CQ Researcher ................................................... (In-depth topical analysis by Congressional Quarterly)
Dissertations and Theses ................................ (A database of published Dissertations and Theses, including those from Saint Leo University)
EBSCO ................................................................. (Comprehensive all-subject database, includes Business Source Premier, Academic Source Premier, ERIC, ATLA)
Literature Resource Center ............................. (Comprehensive source for literary topics, includes Twayne Authors)
ProQuest ............................................................. (Comprehensive all-subject database, includes ABI/Inform Global)
PsychINFO .......................................................... (APA abstracts and indexing for psychology subjects)

Supplemental Library Resources

Saint Leo encourages students to obtain a public library borrowing card at their earliest convenience. Many state libraries grant public library cardholders free remote access to multiple online databases containing full-text articles. For further information, contact your local public library. To find updated links to all state libraries, as well as public libraries, law libraries, and college libraries in your area, go to . 

Library Tutorial

The University strongly encourages all students to review the instructinoal tools on the library's Help! link. By learning to become more proficient researchers, students will also enhance their academic success. Please review the library tutorial and complete the online test which will prepare you for utilizing the library's resources and services. A score of 70 or higher is necessary to pass. Please allow yourself 15-20 minutes to take the test. 

Additional Services

Technical questions concerning the course should be addressed to the eCollege Help Desk, by clicking the Help button in the upper right corner of teh Course Home page. Then select Help Desk from teh left-hand navigation tree in the Help Pages window, to access the email form. Or, phone the eCollege Help Desk at 866.501.1636.