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UE: REL 223HM: Religions of the World I: Western Religions: Assignments

A study of Western religions, including religions of non-literate societies and ancient religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Grading Scale

Grade       Score (%)

A                94-100

A-               90-93   

B+              87-89

B                84-86

B-               80-83

C+              77-79

C                74-76

C-               70-73

D+              67-69

D                60-66

F                 0-59

Assignment Ratings

An "A" paper is well-written and thoughful with personal insights. It also attempts to present a synopsis of what is written in the text. The student illustrates that they grasp the significance of the material and can draw from class material to illustrate their understanding of the text. The "A" paper is an appropriate length and is turned in on time. It is presented in a logical manner and is well-organized. All quotes are properly cited in the MLA method. 

A "B" paper, while well-written, contains fewer personal insights or examples of synthesis of course material with the text. A "B" paper might miss the mark in one of the following areas: creativity, understanding of author's intention, length, citation of quotes, or organization of teh material. 

A "C" paper lacks organization or does not incorporate personal insights with the material. The student misses the mark in 2 or more of the areas mentioned above. 

A "D" paper does not meet several of the criteria of a college written paper. It is not apparent that the student read the entire book or understood the content. 

An "F" paper totally misses the mark. 

Assignment Details

Module Assignments (6) 

Writing assignments in the form of study questions and journal reflections will be assigned to cover the reading materials in Modules 1-6. 

Discussions (8)

Each module will include a discussion question. Students will post an initial response to the question by Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT, and responses to at least two classmates by Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT. 


Students are required to read The Scared Pipe and keep a journal while reading it. The journal is to be between 1500-2100 words in length, double spaced, with one-inch margins and a 10-12 point font. The journal is to be an example of the student's ability to write and analyze the material he or she is reading. An attempt should be made to integrate material from the other textbooks in this course with the reading of The Sacred Pipe. The journal must be submitted to the Dropbox by the conclusion of Module 7. 

Suggested reading schedule: The final journal assignment is not due until Module 7; however you should work on the journal each week as not to fall behind. Below is a suggested reading schedule for The Sacred Pipe which you are encouraged to follow. 

  • Module 1 - Chapter 1
  • Module 2 - Chapters 2-3; submit sample journal entry for instructor feedback (optional)
  • Module 3 - Chapter 4
  • Module 4 - Chapter 5
  • Module 5 - Chapter 6
  • Module 6 - Chapters 7-8
  • Module 7 - Submit journal assignment

Journal entries should be made for each of the eight chapters. Your journal should be typed, contain complete sentences and be grammatically correct. While you are reading, write down what goes on in your head in "stream of consciousness" style in the margins of your book, in a notebook, or in a computer file. You will be making a record of images, associations, feelings, thoughts, judgments, etc. You will probably find that the record contains:

  • Questions that you ask yourself about the narrative and events as you read (answer these yourself when you can). 
  • Memories from your own experiences provoked by the reading. 
  • Guesses about how the text might proceed and why. 
  • Reflections on striking moments and ideas in the book. 
  • Comparisons between how you behave and how the author describes actions and behavior. 
  • Thoughts and feelings about content. 
  • Comments on how the story is being told. For example, write any words and phrases that make an impression on you, or motifs/themes which you notice the author using. 
  • Connections to other texts, ideas, and concepts. 

A journal entry consists of two parts:

  1. The first part is a direct quotation of the part you noted from the text, copied word for word, and enclosed in quotation marks. Be sure to include the author's last name and the page number of the quotationin parentheses after the quotation. MLA format requires that you use the last name, a space, and then the number, e.g. (Ludwig 89). 
  2. The second part of the journal entry is a paragraph that explains why you found the passage to be important or interesting. Sometimes students ask questions about the reading, or they explain it, or relate to it in some way. Whatever you do, do not simply summarize the contents of the passage. Instead, go beyond it somehow, analyze it, offer thoughts about why it seems important to you or to others. In essence, by writing about the importance of the passage, you will give it meaning. 

It is also helpful to explain what is going on in the text at the time of the passage (the context). Some students like to write (1) what is happening in the story, (2) what the passage says, and (3) why the passage is important or interesting. This structure is not necessary, but sometimes it helps you organize your reponses. 


Final Exam

A comprehensive final exam in Module 8 will consist of 10 essay questions. 

Late Policy

All work must be submitted on time. Exceptions must be documented and acceptance is at the discretion of the faculty member. 

Attendance Policy

Students are expected to view the course modules in the week they are offered and to log on to the course often enough to remain abreast of any communications from the instructor. It is the student's responsibility to be aware of what is happening in the class online. 

Students With Disabilities

Saint Leo University is committed to a policy which provides an equal opportunity for full participation of all qualified individuals with disabilities in accordance with the American with Disabilities Act. Appropriate academic accomodations and services are coordinated through the Office of Disability Services. Students with disabilities who require accomodation should contact the office as soon as possible via email: or telephone: (352)588-8464. For additional information, students may access the Policy and Procedure Manual through the Saint Leo website.