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REL 201: Introduction to the New Testament: Module 1

A basic introduction to the literature and theology of the New Testament, including exposure to critical methods such as form and redaction criticisms.


Action Assignment    Due no later than
Read Chapters 1-5 in A Voyage Through the New Testament
Post Introduction Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDU
Post Initial reply to discussion question Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDU
Post   Responses to at least two classmates Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Start   Thematic Paper due in Module 2
Start Exegesis Rough Draft due in Module 4
Start Exegesis Paper due in Module 6


New Testament Introduction


At the conclusion of this module, students will be able to:

  • Explain the importance of context in biblical interpretation and formation.
  • Apply historical perspective to the interpretation of New Testament texts.
  • Identify the significance of literary forms in interpreting the Bible.