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DBA 740 Analytics for Decision Making: Data Sources

Analytics for Decision Making

Finding Secondary Data for Data Sets

"Secondary data consist of information that others have accumulated and made available through books, journals, magazines, websites, and ohter publications." 

Clippinger, D. (2017). Business Research Reporting. Business Expert Press.

How to Find Secondary Data

  1. Search library databases for scholarly articles that have empirical research, quantitative, qualitative, case studies, mixed methods. Access the databases and how to video tutorials on the Welcome page of this guide. Most scholarly articles contain tables with data.  In some cases authors may provide links to raw data or more data that was not published in the article due to space. 
  2. Search the ProQuest Dissertation database to find a dissertation on a topic that interests you and examine their data in tables.  Access the ProQuest Dissertation database on the Dissertation Resources page of this guide
  3. Search the internet for data sources that might be available. Be careful that sources are legitimate and evaluate the quality of your sources carefully.  If you need help determining the quality of a source, contact a librarian or your professor. Consider some of the recommended sites posted on this page of the guide. 
  4. Don't forget to contact a librarian if you need help. 

Recommended Websites with Data