In This Guide
Social scientists concentrate on articulating insights about human behavior in all of its cultural and social processes, contexts, and structural conditions.
Social science research combines qualitative and quantitative methodologies.
Bibliographic citations use standard rules to identify and describe information sources. Researchers in the social sciences use the style manual published by the American Psychological Association (APA) in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. It is essential to use the most recent edition of the style manual.
Depending upon their area of study, scholars, may also use The Chicago Manual of Style, the APSA Style Manual for Political Science, or the ASA Style Guide, published by the American Sociological Association. Always check with your professor for the preferred citation format.
Humanities scholars interpret and explain the cultural, social, historical, and ideological foundations of human thought, action, and spirit. Their work represents a conversation with both their objects of study and with earlier interpretations by other scholars.
References act as an index to the dialogue and analysis undertaken by the person or group responsible for a piece of writing.
Bibliographic citations follow standard rules to identify and describe information sources. Researchers in the Humanities use the style manual published by the Modern Language Association (MLA) in The MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. It is essential to use the most recent edition of the style manual.
Depending upon their area of study, scholars may also use the style manual published by the University of Chicago Press in The Chicago Manual of Style. Always check with your professor for the preferred citation format.
Researchers in natural and applied sciences describe and explain natural phenomena through the formal procedures of observation, description, hypothesis, prediction, and experiment (scientific method).
Reference lists help to evaluate the authority and credibility of an scientific research. Researchers can use references to confirm a scientist's methodology and findings.
Bibliographic citations use standard rules to identify and describe information sources. Researchers in the sciences use The ACS Style Guide, the style manual published by the American Chemical Society. It is essential to use the most recent edition of the style manual.
Common style manuals in the natural and applied sciences also include the American Medical Association Manual of Style: A Guide for Authors and Editors, the style manual published by the American Medical Association (AMA), the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), and the Scientific Style and Format, published by the Council of Biology Editors (CBE). Always check with your professor for the preferred citation format.
Most performances are collective efforts that involve the work and creativity of more than one person.
Images, texts, objects, and sounds produced by artists oblige the creators and performers to negotiate rights and permissions for their use.
Although no style manual prescribes a proper format for doing so, creative and performing arts professionals must list credits for those who contributed to their work.
For more information about how rights and permissions are negotiated by creative and performing arts professionals, try Copyright Website.
Here are some examples of some ways that you can list credits or incorporate rights and permissions into your work:
If you are a performing or visual artist, the Rights and Licenses page may help you to determine the proper way to cite the contributions of others to your work.
Bibliographic citations follow standard rules to identify and describe information sources. Researchers in Art History use the style manual published by the University of Chicago Press in The Chicago Manual of Style. It is essential to use the most recent edition of the style manual.
Depending upon their area of study, scholars may also use the style manual published by the Modern Language Association (MLA) in The MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. Always check with your professor for the preferred citation format.
This guide is maintained by the Saint Leo University Library personnel. Please email us if you find any problems with the links or the information. It was created by Trinity College in Harfield, Connecticut. The Library & Information Technology Services of Trinity College deserve our thanks and appreciation for the use of their guide.