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MBA 501: Management Essentials (O'Neil, Fall 2022): Sample Topic: Practice!

Identify a Problem (Sample)

Water use for beer brewing.

  • Sustainability
  • Water restrictions
  • Environment

Company: Brewing it Up! Brewer.

About the company: Farm-to-market small craft brewer located in Texas. The brewery is part of a larger organic farm that grows produce and grains for local markets.



Get in groups of two or more, and use the four articles (at left) to:

  1. Create APA 7.0 citations
  2. Quickly skim the article, then annotate each article (one person = one article).
    Ask yourself the following questions:
    1. Who is the intended audience?
    2. What is the central theme?
    3. What are the main points?
    4. Are any of the four functions of management addressed explicitly or implicitly, and if so which one(s)?

Then think about the following when determining whether you would use the article(s) for a paper:

  1. Do the author(s) have "credentials" that indicate they understand this topic?
  2. Is the article peer reviewed? 
  3. Is the information out of date, or still relevant?
  4. Should you use this article as part of your (hypothetical) paper? Yes or no?
  5. How might this information be used in your (hypothetical) paper concerning your (hypothetical) topic?