You will find this book in the catalog now!
I am listing here some of the library's resources, as well as Internet resources, that discuss the topics: James Agee and Walker Evans, the Depression Era, and the text Let Us Now Praise Famous Men! If you find more resources to add to the list as you are conducting your searches, please email me! Thank you!
Carol Ann Moon
If you do a search in the library's catalog for Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, you will find the work is listed under two Library of Congress Call Numbers!
The 1941 copy is cataloged as History and shelved at call number F326 .A17, with the Subject Heading of Alabama -- Social Conditions.
The 2005 copy is cataloged as Literature and shelved at call number PS3501.G35 A6, with a Subject Heading: Farm tenancy -- Alabama.
This work weaves the perspectives of multiple disciplines within it, so that it also can be located in other libraries in the TR call number section for the Photography, and/or the HN call number section for the Social History and Conditions!! When you discuss this work, be aware that your supporting resources will be in many different areas of the library and that you have the benefit of nearly seventy years of research and commentary to examine!! Also, do not forget to offer your own perspective as you react to Agee's text and Evans' photos! For instance, as a librarian in the 21st Century reading this work, I would like to know more about the publication history of the book, being intrigued by the statement made by Agee in the preface that he had to delete "certain words" which were illegal in Massachusetts at the time. Where is the original Let Us Now Praise Famous Men and would the same be true today that a publisher would demand the deletion of "certain words?" Quite possibly this book in my opinion should be considered a primary source document with a subject heading Publishers and Publishing -- United States and shelved under the Z call number!