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ENG 122: Step 1

Resources for Academic Writing II including the research paper on careers

Finding Resources

1) Find general information on your career

Use an encyclopedia to find out general information, type of education needed, and trends in this field.

Do NOT use the encyclopedia as a source in your paper. It is just a place to get started

2) Search the Library Catalog for books on your career.

Try searching "Institute for Career Research" AND the name of your career.

What problem do you see that needs a solution

Search Worldcat

Books, eBooks, Online Articles & more in one powerful search!

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Finding Sources

  • CQ Researcher: Full-length articles include an overview, historical background, chronology, pro/con feature, plus resources for additional research.
  • EBSCO: Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials:   NOTE: EBSCO: Atla Catholic Periodical and Literature Index: has been combined with Atla Religion Database with Atla Serials
  • JSTORis a digital library of academic journals, books, and primary sources. Includes a wide range of academic journals in the arts and sciences.
  • Proquest: Business and academic multi-disciplinary databases that contain full-text, scholarly articles.