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Resources for Academic Writing II including the research paper on careers

Library Instruction Objectives

  1.  Formulate search using keywords, natural language & controlled language (subject headings) appropriately
    • (performance indicator: students' search words while searching)
  2. Demonstrate proficiency using at least one academic database to locate a scholarly article
    • (performance indicator: library research hands-on activity)
  3. Create an MLA-style citation for an article
    • (performance indicator: librarian demonstration and library research guide activity

APA 6th Edition Help

Cover of APA Manual 6th edition 


There are many places to get help with MLA style:

Purdue OWL - online writing lab

SLU Writing Help - writing & research support

APA Template 6th ed. - created for SLU students

Sample APA papers - examples of APA

MLA Citation Style

Picture MLA Handbook 8th Edition 


There are many places to get help with MLA style:

Purdue OWL - online writing lab

SLU Writing Help - writing & research support

MLA Template - created for SLU students

Sample MLA papers - examples from MLA