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Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: Documentaries

This LibGuide serves as a repository for materials relating to the political work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a human rights advocate who fought tirelessly to advance through nonviolent measures messages of racial justice,

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Martin Luther King, Jr.: Look Here (1957)

Martin Luther King's Activism in Chicago (2016)

Martin Luther King, Jr.: Crusader for Liberation (2019)

Martin Luther King Day: The Making of a Holiday (1978)

King in the Wilderness (2018)

Bill Moyers Journal: Economic Justice for All? (2010)

How Dr. King Changed a Sanitation Worker's Life (2019)

Library Contact Information

Searching for other materials related to Dr. King? Contact a faculty librarian at, (800) 359-5945, or text (352) 678-4393. 

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