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Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: Interviews

This LibGuide serves as a repository for materials relating to the political work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a human rights advocate who fought tirelessly to advance through nonviolent measures messages of racial justice,

Face to Face (1961)

60 Minutes: MLK--A Riot Is the Language of the Unheard (1966)

60 Minutes Interview with the King Family and Coretta Scott King (1968)

Press Conference USA (1963)

NBC News (1967)

Other Notable Interviews

Meet the Press (1965)

The Merv Griffin Show (1967)

Library Contact Information

Searching for other materials related to Dr. King? Contact a faculty librarian at, (800) 359-5945, or text (352) 678-4393. 

Working on research paper and want some support? Contact library writing faculty here.