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ENG 122: Academic Writing:: turnitin

General education course. Gianna Russo

Using Turnitin Instructions

  1. Go to
  2. To use TURNITIN, you must register first.  Click on New User at the top.
  3. Create your user profile.
  4. Once you have registered, you are ready to enroll in the class. 
  5. Click on Enroll in a Class.
  6. Fill in our class ID and password; submit.
  7. When our class comes up, find the assignment inbox. Next to the name of your first assignment will be a submit button. Click the submit button to submit your first paper.
  8. Notice each assignment is labeled.  The deadline for submitting to TURNITIN is by the start of class time on the due date.
  9. If you have any problems, please let me know. In addition, you’ll need to contact the customer service for Turnitin.