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Scholarship/SoTL Resources for Faculty [CTLE]: IRB

Institutional Review Board

Consistent with our core values, Saint Leo University is committed to the safety and protection of those participating in research. TheSaint Leo University IRB is charged with review and approval of research involving human subjects conducted in association with our campus community. The Saint Leo University IRB ensures compliance with the ethical principles of research articulated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

To submit  a proposal to the Saint Leo University IRB, please review the application submission procedures before completion of the IRB application and appropriate IRB consent form(s).

The Saint Leo IRB operates on the same schedule as our continuing education centers and COL. It is not active for Thanksgiving week-end (Thursday to Sunday) and during the centers and online end-of-year holiday break, between Fall 2 and Spring 1. Any application received during this period will be considered received the first day activities resume.

For additional information regarding submission to the Saint Leo University IRB, please refer to IRB FAQs or email any queries to