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Open Educational Resources (OER): Open Education Consortium

Open Educational Resources (OER) are freely accessible, openly licensed documents and media that are useful for teaching, learning, and assessing as well as for research purposes.

Open Education Consortium: A global network of educational institutions, individuals and organizations that support an approach to education based on openness, including collaboration, innovation and collective development and use of open educational materials.

30 000+ Modules, 280+ Organizations, 40 Countries , 29 Languages.

Latest courses from our members

 •  21W.747-1 Rhetoric

•  Rhetoric

•  Writing and Rhetoric: Rhetoric and Contemporary Issues

•  12.009 Theoretical Environmental Analysis (MIT)

•  MIT OCW Scholar Program

•  Undergraduate Seminar in Discrete Mathematics

•  Statistics for Applications

•  Numerical Fluid Mechanics (MIT)

•  Physics 21: Science from Superheroes to Global Warming

•  Space Propulsion