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REL 123: Foundations of Christian Faith: Module 1


At the conclusion of this module, students will be able to: 

  • Distinguish the mode of thinking characteristic of faith from that of reason. 
  • Define the proper relationship between faith and reason. 
  • Explain how the apparent conflict between religion and science, so distinctive of modernity, is a part of the general problem of the relationship between faith and reason, and identify ways in which this conflict can be lessened through a better understanding of the limits of both faith and reason. 

Texts of Interest

Christian Theology


Items to be completed Due no later than:
Post introduction to the class Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Theological Foundations, Introduction and pp. 31-52
Reason, Faith, and Tradition, Chapters 1,2, and 3

Post initial response to the discussion question Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Post response to at least two classmates Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Complete Exam 1 Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Begin Research Paper 1 Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT of Module 3