Company Dossier on LexisNexis Academic
For information on enhancements to Company Dossier, visit our Company Dossier Enhancements 2010 page.
An extremely important tool in Business Research is LexisNexis Company Dossier, which you will find in the Business Tab of LexisNexis Academic. Dossier lets you search a company by name, ticker symbol, or D-U-N-S® number. You can also restrict your search by company type, city, state/province or country. From this form, find a wealth of information including headquarters locations, SEC filings, and executive hierarchies. LexisNexis Company Dossier delivers easy-to-read profiles of over 43 million companies worldwide and information on 1,000 industries to your desktop in just seconds. It helps you identify potential new clients, understand a company’s brands and trademarks, access detailed financial and recent litigation information, and more.
LexisNexis Dossier allows you to browse in-depth company profiles and industry reports with the best intelligence available through LexisNexis® services. Content includes:
Company information
Business directories, Hoover’s® company information, ICC financial information, the MERGERSTAT® database, SEC filings, Standard & Poor’s® corporate information, and more. When you research a particular company, you will also find their particular NAICS and SIC codes on the company profile.
Intellectual property information
U.S. patents, trademarks, and copyrights
The past two years of news from thousands of global publications and same-day news from more than 85 publications
Legal information
Cases (most recent 12 months), CourtLink® Strategic Profiles, Martindale-Hubbell® Law Directory information, Mealey’s™ newsletters
Look at the links to the right of the main form for forms on SEC Filings, Company Profiles, Country Profiles, and Accounting. You can also create a comparative list of up to five companies.
LexisNexis Company Dossier External Links
Company Dossier Content
Company Dossier Overview
Company Dossier At-A-Glance
Other Company Information on LexisNexis Academic
SEC Filings
Use the SEC Filings form located under the Business tab in LexisNexis Academic to search the following Securities and Exchange Commission formsfiled by corporations
Company Profiles
Use the Company Profiles form to search over a dozen company directories, including:
Note on Finding DUNS, CUSIP, and Tickers
Most of the directories listed above include the stock market ticker symbol for each company listed. The Standard & Poor's Corporate Register is your best source for all three company identifiers.
In the News
To find news about a company or industry, use the Advanced Options section of the main search form. There, use the "Add Index Terms" feature to access the SmartIndexing terms for industries and specific companies. Using index terms is far more accurate than doing a free text search on the company name. In the People index, you will find terms for many high-profile corporate executives, allowing you to search for stories on them as well.
Additional Sources
Browsing under the Sources tab you will find folders for "Companies & Organizations" and "Industries & Markets" which will lead you to hundreds of additional sources, including: