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UE: HTY 110HA: Immigration: The Changing Face of America: Master Syllabus

This is University Exploration that explores the history of immigration process in America

HTY 110HA Immigration Master Syllabus


Saint Leo University

School of Arts and Sciences


HTY 110 HA Immigration: The Changing Face of America


A University Explorations, Human Adventure General Education Course


Master Syllabus


Course Developer:  Dr. Heather Parker




Diane Portnoy, Immigrant Struggles, Immigrant Gifts, George Mason University Press, 2013            (about $16.00)


Thomas Cieslik, Immigration: A Documentary and Reference Guide, Greenwood Press, 2009

Ebook available free to Saint Leo students through Saint Leo University Cannon Memorial Library website

View eBook Immigration, Greenwood Press


Important   Use the resources available in the course Library Guide (LibGuide) Link Below


Supplemental Texts (Not Required)


Firoozeh Dumas, Funny in Farsi:  a Memoir of Growing Up Iranian in America, Random House, ISBH # 0-8129-6837-9 (paper)


Hiroshi Motomura, Americans in Waiting: The Lost History of Immigration and Citizenship in          the United States, Oxford University Press, 2006 paperback (about $17.00)




An exploration of immigration to the United States centered on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries with reference to earlier waves of immigration, internal migratory patterns, and current issues related to immigration. This course also examines the countries from which immigrants have come to the United States and the social, political and economic factors that have contributed to immigrants’ decisions to leave these countries.


Core Values

This course will emphasize the Core Values of Community and Personal Development. We will explore how people endeavored to better their lives and the lives of their children by immigrating to America and how Americans continue to learn to welcome and embrace them.



By the end of this course students will:


1.      Demonstrate the ability to utilize basic geographical (map-related) skills to identify and analyze Immigration and migration routes and patterns, border regions, and the countries from which and to which people immigrated in exams and in the presentation.

2.     Demonstrate the ability to read about and comprehend issues related to Immigration through thorough and successful completion of reading assignments, exams,  and discussion questions related to Immigration;

3.      Demonstrate the ability to relate past events to developments in society today by actively engaging in current events discussions and writing assignments related to media coverage of political, social, economic and cultural developments associated with immigration history;

4.      Demonstrate the ability to engage in critical thinking, effective writing, and informed discussion on issues related to Immigration through the successful completion of essays, exams, assignments, presentations, and active engagement in class discussions.

5.      Demonstrate the ability to include within writing assignments and discussions the centrality of the core values of Community and Personal Development to Immigrants’ or migrants’ motives or experiences.



IV. Grading Scale (refer to guide below for details)


QEP Assignment Essay (mandatory for all)                       5%

Exam(s)                                                                       10-30%

Essay(s)                                                                       10-25%

Assignments                                                                10-40%

Quizzes                                                                         5-15%

Presentation                                                                15-20%

8 Critical Thinking/Values Discussion Questions

Preparation & Participation                                   10-20%


Grading Guide:



A   Exceptional

A-  Superior

B+ Excellent

B   Very Good

B-  Good

C+ Above Average

C   Average

C-  Below Average

D+ Marginal

D   Poor

F   Failure

FA* Failure due to Absences

I     Incomplete

P   Pass

W  Withdrawn

WE** Withdrawn Excused



Assignment, Exam, and Essay Guide


Exams: Learning Outcomes 1, 2 and 4


Exams must include at least one essay question that requires students to demonstrate critical thinking skills. In addition to the essay question(s) exams can include short-answer questions. Multiple choice questions may not comprise more than 25% of questions or possible points on an exam. Exams must also include maps and/or questions related to geography and the movement of peoples. Students should demonstrate that they are familiar with the locations of the places from which groups immigrated to the United States and the locations where these groups settled within the United States.


QEP/Critical Thinking Essay Example:  Learning Outcomes 3, 4, and 5


2-3 page, written assignment.


First, follow the links to read the articles below (You will need your Saint Leo Login), then answer this question:


Should there be a legal path to citizenship for the undocumented children of illegal immigrants? Why or why not? If you were charged with proposing a solution to this dilemma, what do you think would be the best and most fair way to address this problem? Be sure to provide a detailed step-by-step proposal. How does your proposal relate to the Saint Leo Core Values of Community and Personal Development?


Instructor may use different or additional articles for this assignment


CQ Researcher Report, “Immigration,” 2013


“The American Dream?” By: Krasner, Barbara D.; Cobblestone, May/Jun2013, Vol. 34 Issue 5, p. 36, 4p



8 Critical Thinking/Values Discussion Questions: Learning Outcomes  2, 3, 4, and 5


Suggestions for these critical thinking and values discussion questions are located within each of the 8 modules and there are more suggestions in the Discussion Questions section of the LibGuide ( Assign these questions to students for homework in preparation for discussing their answers in class for onground classes or within discussion boards for online classes. These questions should be accompanied by images for students to analyze. For onground classes, these assignments work best if students prepare informal written answers to these questions before engaging in discussion. Instructors should collect these written responses in order to give credit for completing the assignment.


Presentation: Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3, and 4


Onground students will create a Power Point or Prezi presentation related to the module or modules of the instructor’s choice and also present it to the class. Students must demonstrate that they are an “expert” on the material and must not read the information to the class. They must include images and maps related to the subject matter. They must speak clearly and concisely. Students should be prepared to address questions or comments from classmates and the instructor after the presentation.


Online students must prepare the Power Point or Prezi presentation required within the online course. Online students will be required to demonstrate their facility with the material and their communications skills by recording their voice with the presentation according to the instructions included within the module.


See an example of the presentation assignment in the LibGuide


It is suggested that students not be permitted to choose as the subject of their presentation groups which are covered extensively in the readings: Irish, Germans, Jews, Chinese                             

Presentation should  include slides that include the following information:

 1.    Images/visuals for each slide in the form of:

·           Photos (Required)

·           Maps  (Required)

·           Charts

·           graphs

2.    An introduction your group and an overview of its place of origin.

3.    Push and Pull factors that affected your chosen group

4.    Skills and assets of this group

5.    Liabilities of this group

6.    Early settlement patterns of the group

7.    Occupations in which this group was concentrated

8.    Challenges this group faced

9.    Settlement patterns and experiences of this group in American society today 


1.    Slides must not be covered with paragraphs of writing. Include only short phrases (bullets) and images/visuals. You should explain the content of each slide with your voice, rather than with writing.

2.    Do not read from your notes when giving your presentation. Your words should flow smoothly as though you are speaking to someone rather than reading mechanically from your notes. Try to be animated when you speak rather than speaking in a monotone. Try to engage your listener and keep him or her interested in what you are saying.


Essay:  Learning Outcomes 2, 3,  4, and 5

Onground students will complete a 5-7 page paper on the sample essay provided below or on aspects of one of the following topics related to immigration (to be determined by the instructor). Online students will complete the essay as required within the related course module.

Sample Essay Topic:

Read the article “Immigration Then and Now” By Gwenyth Swain; Cobblestone, May/Jun2013, Vol. 34 Issue 5, p. 13, 4p. This article can be accessed by the following link. You will need your Saint Leo Login information:

Instructor may use different or additional articles for this Essay


How do the backgrounds and experiences of the recent immigrants in this article compare to the backgrounds and experiences of European immigrants in the late 19th and early 20th centuries? Provide specific examples.

See examples of other possible essay assignments in the LibGuide



V. SCHEDULE Instructor may add topics, readings, films, and other resources as desired, but no content may be removed.


Modules represent course content, not weeks. As such, modules are used for 8 week as well as 16 week formats. Onground instructors may spend more time on some modules than on others as needed.




TOPICS ………………. 

Readings,   Assignments, and QEP

QEP: Critical Thinking + Values = Decision Making



Understanding the Immigration   Process

Introductory Terms and Concepts


·           Push   and Pull Factors

·           Immigrant   Assets & Liabilities

·           Settlement   Patterns

·           Ethnic   Enclaves

·           Assimilation   Process

·           Melting   Pot v. Mosaic

·           Pluralism

·           Anglicization   of Names


Geography/Map work



Immigration,   Introduction p. xix-xxi


Immigrant Struggles, Immigrant Gifts, Introduction


Americans in Waiting, Introduction, p. 3-11 (optional)


Use the resources available in the course libguide

Critical   Thinking Discussion Question Suggestion:

If   you were told that you had to leave your home and move to another country and   could only bring one suitcase, what would you pack in that suitcase? What   would each of those items tell us about your culture, your place of origin,   what is important to you, and your hopes for your new life?


See   more discussion question suggestions in the LibGuide






Early   European Immigration

·           German Immigration

·           Irish Immigration

·                    Scandinavian Immigration


Geography/Map work


Immigration, Ch. 2

Immigrant Struggles, Immigrant Gifts

·                    German Americans, begins p. 15

·                    Irish Americans, begins p. 37


Use the resources available in the course Libguide


Critical   Thinking Discussion Question Suggestion:

Are there any aspects of   American life that are uniquely “American?” Are there practices, traditions,   holidays, foods, music, sports, etc. that cannot be traced to a different   country of origin? What does this tell us about the composition of American   culture?

See   more discussion question suggestions in the LibGuide



Late 19th &   Early 20th Century European Immigration

·           Italian   Immigration

·           Jewish   Immigration

·           Eastern   European Immigration


Geography/Map work


Immigration, Ch. 3

Immigrant Struggles, Immigrant Gifts

·           Italian   Americans, begins p.55

·           Eastern   Europeans, begins p. 97

·           Jewish   Americans, begins p. 117


Use the resources available in the course libguide


Critical   Thinking Discussion Question Suggestion:

Do you think Americans of Italian, Jewish, and   Eastern European descent are more closely identified with their ancestors’   countries of origin and with their ancestors’ cultural practices than   Americans of Western European descent? Why or why not? Provide examples.

See   more discussion question suggestions in the LibGuide


Asian Immigration

·           Chinese   Immigration

·           Japanese   Immigration



Geography/Map work


Immigrant Struggles, Immigrant Gifts

·           Chinese   Americans, begins p. 75


Americans in Waiting, Ch. 1 and Ch. 3 (optional)

Use the resources available in the course libguide


Critical   Thinking Discussion Question Suggestion:

Why have Chinese enclaves like China Towns   continued to have such a strong presence in American cities to the present   day? What historical factors might have had an effect on the rate of Chinese-American   assimilation?

See   more discussion question suggestions in the LibGuide



African Forced Immigration and   the African American Great Migration



Geography/Map work



African   Immigration and African American Migration Overview (Library of Congress)

Farewell, We’re Good   and Gone  by Carol Marks

Ch. 2 (p. 19-32) “The Great Migration”

Select p. 19 from “jump to page” drop down menu.


Use the resources available in the course libguide


Critical   Thinking Discussion Question Suggestion:

What is the relationship between fear and   Nativism? Think about how fear, prejudice, and discrimination influenced   developments related to immigration and internal migration in the United   States?

See   more discussion question suggestions in the LibGuide


Mexican American Immigration


Geography/Map work


Immigration, Ch. 9

Immigrant Struggles, Immigrant Gifts

·           Mexican Americans, begins p. 193


Mexican Immigration Overview   (Library of Congress)

Use the resources available in the course libguide


Critical   Thinking Discussion Question Suggestion:

Why is Mexican-American immigration a more complex   issue than European or Asian immigration? How does the history of relations   between Mexico and the United States make this a complicated discussion?   Hint: How much of the United States used to be a part of Mexico?

See   more discussion question suggestions in the LibGuide


Race   and Politics in the 20th Century


Ø    Caribbean Immigration

·           Spanish   speaking islands

·           English   Speaking islands


Ø    Refugees

·           Cuba

·           Haiti

·           Asia


Geography/Map work



Immigrant Struggles, Immigrant Gifts

·           Refugees, begins p. 159

·           Black West Indians, begins p. 177


Use the resources available in the course libguide


Critical   Thinking Discussion Question Suggestion:

Should America provide a safe refuge for   immigrants in danger in their home countries? Why or why not?

See   more discussion question suggestions in the LibGuide


Muslim Americans


Geography/Map work


Immigrant   Stuggles, Immigrant Gifts

Muslim Americans, begins p. 211


Use the resources available in the course libguide


Critical   Thinking Discussion question Suggestion:

Does America need immigrants in society today? Why   or why not? Think about the ways immigrants contribute to society. Are there   negative effects related to immigration? Do the benefits of immigration   outweigh the negatives? Why or why not?

See   more discussion question suggestions in the LibGuide









Instructor: Course Resources


This section is for instructors only. Please remove this section before distributing this syllabus to students.


Use the resources available in the course libguide



Ebsco Host: History Reference Center    Saint Leo Library database


The   American Dream? By: Krasner, Barbara D.; Cobblestone, May/Jun2013, Vol. 34   Issue 5, p. 36, 4p

The article discusses illegal   immigration, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and American President   Barack Obama's

push for immigration reform as of May   2013, focusing on an analysis of the social and legal conditions of the   nearly 11 million

illegal aliens who are residing in the   U.S.


The   Rude Birth of Immigration Reform. By: Benton-Cohen, Katherine; Wilson   Quarterly, Summer2010, Vol. 34 Issue 3, p. 16, 7p








Students with documented disabilities who may require accommodations should contact the Office of Disability Services.

            University location: SAB room 207

            Telephone: 352-588-8484




The Academic Honor Code is published in its entirety in the Saint Leo University Catalog. The first paragraph is quoted below:

            As members of an academic community that places a high value on truth and pursuit of knowledge, Saint Leo University students are expected to be honest in every phase of their academic life and present as their own work only that which is genuinely theirs. Unless otherwise specified by the professor, students must complete homework assignments by themselves (or if on a team assignment, with only their team members). If they receive outside assistance of any kind, they are expected to cite the source and indicate the extent of the assistance. Each student has the responsibility to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity and to refrain from cheating, plagiarism, or any other forms of academic dishonesty.


VIII. Protection of the Academic Environment


Disruption of the academic or learning environment will not be tolerated. Disruption of this sort is the act or words of a student in a physical classroom or within an online teaching environment which in the reasonable estimation of a faculty member: (a) directs attention from the academic matters at hand, such as noisy distractions; persistent, disrespectful or abusive interruptions of lecture, exam or academic discussions; disrespectful, profane, or inappropriate postings,  or (b) presents a danger to the physical or mental health, safety or well-being of the faculty member or students. Education is a cooperative endeavor—one that takes place within a context of basic interpersonal respect.  We must therefore make the physical and online classroom environment conducive to the purpose for which we are here.  Disruption, intentional and unintentional, is an obstacle to that aim.  We can all aid in sculpting the proper environment — in small ways (like turning off cell phones, and neither chatting nor sleeping in class or not making personal attacks in online postings), and in more fundamental ways.  So, when we speak in class or post online, we can disagree without attacking each other personally and no one speaks or posts off-topic content that disrupts the learning environment.



IX. ATTENDANCE POLICY Instructor will provide specific requirements here


X. LATE WORK/MAKE UP POLICY Instructor will provide specific requirements here



XI. Library Services

Instructor will include library resource information relevant to the location of the course (Centers, Campus, COL, DL)

Cannon Memorial Library Resources


Library Instruction

To arrange library/research instruction for your classes, please contact:


Amy Harris                    University Campus

Viki Stoupenos        FL, GA, SC Centers

Christine Woods      Online Embedded Librarian


Cannon Memorial Library

Librarians are available during reference hours to answer questions concerning research strategies, database searching, locating specific materials, and interlibrary loan (ILL).


                Reference Hours

                Monday – Thursday        9 a.m. – 10 p.m.

                Friday                                    9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

                Saturday                              9 a.m. – 6 p.m.

                Sunday                 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.


The library provides an 800 number and an email address for general reference services: 1-800-359-5945 or . The library’s mailing address and local telephone numbers are:


                MC2128, 33701 County Road 52, Saint Leo, FL 33574


                352-588-8477 (Reference Desk)

                352-588-8476 (Circulation Desk)

                352-588-8258 (Main)

                352-678-4393 (Text)


Online Catalog “WorldCat” (All Books and Media)

Click on the Library Catalog link on the Cannon Memorial Library website.  To borrow books in person from the library, present your SLU ID at the Circulation Desk. Online and off-campus students may have materials delivered to them by completing and electronically submitting article or book request forms from the Interlibrary Loan page.


Online Library Resources (Articles and E-books)

Saint Leo provides its own array of online article databases and e-book resources. Use the Databases and E-books links on the Cannon Memorial Library website to search the latest subscription databases and e-book/e-reference collections.




Subject Research Guides

Click on Research a Subject for an introduction to relevant online and print resources the library has to offer in your given subject area – this is a great place to start your research.



Library Tutorial

The University strongly encourages all students to review the instructional tools on the library’s Help! link.  By learning to become more proficient researchers, students will also enhance their academic success. Please review the library tutorial and complete the online test which will prepare you for utilizing the library's resources and services. A score of 70 or higher is necessary to pass. Please allow yourself 15-20 minutes to take the test.