Chinatown, San Francisco
Ebsco “History Reference Center”
1. Go to the Saint Leo Library website
2. Scroll down to “Find Info” on the left.
3. Click on Databases
4. Scroll down to the “Ebsco” and click on it
5. Enter your Saint Leo username and password if prompted
6. Scroll down to “History Reference Center”
7. Select “U.S History” or “World History”
8. Enter your search term in the search window on the upper left
9. For example, if you enter a search for “Refugees” or for “Italian Immigrants,” many articles are available
1. Go to the Saint Leo Library website
2. Scroll down to “Find Info” on the left.
3. Click on Databases
4. Scroll down to the “Proquest” and click on it
5. Enter your Saint Leo username and password if prompted
6. Enter your search term in the search window
7. For example, if you enter a search for “Cambodian Refugees” and scroll through the etnries, many articles are available including one called “Braving a New World: Cambodian (Khmer) Refugees in an American City.”
Encyclopedia of U.S. Political History
1. Go to the Saint Leo Library website
2. Scroll down to “Find Info” on the left.
3. Click on E-Books
4. Scroll down to CQ Press Encyclopedias, then select “Encyclopedia of U.S. Political History
5. Enter your Saint Leo username and password
6. Click on the Encyclopedia of U.S. Political History link
7. Enter your search term in the search window on the upper left.
8. For example, if you type in “Cuban Refugees” (this might take a few minutes to load). You will then see several entries related to Cuban refugees.
Oxford Encyclopedia of: African American History, Latinos and Latinas in the United States, Human Rights, International Encyclopedia of Peace, and more…
1. Go to the Saint Leo Library website
2. Scroll down to “Find Info” on the left.
3. Click on E-Books
4. Scroll down to Oxford Digital Reference Collection and click on this link
5. Enter your Saint Leo username and password (if prompted)
6. Scroll through the choices until you locate one in which you are interested.
7. For example, if you select the “Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in the United States” you might type “Mexican American deportation” in the search window to the upper right. You will then see several entries related to this topic.
CQ Researcher
1. Go to the Saint Leo Library website
2. Scroll down to “Find Info” on the left.
3. Click on Databases
4. Scroll down to “CQ Researcher” and click on it
5. Enter your Saint Leo username and password if prompted
6. Enter your search term in the search window on the upper right
7. For example, if you enter the search term “refugees,” many articles will appear.
HTY 110HA Presentation Project Instructions
Using approved guidelines for conducting simple Internet research, choose one immigrant or refugee group and prepare an audio-narrated PowerPoint presentation about the group.
You may not choose the following groups that have already been covered extensively within the modules: Irish, Germans, Jews, Chinese
Your presentation must include slides that include the following information:
1. Images/visuals for each slide in the form of:
· Photos (Required)
· Maps (Required)
· Charts
· graphs
2. An introduction your group and an overview of its place of origin.
3. Push and Pull factors that affected your chosen group
4. Skills and assets of this group
5. Liabilities of this group
6. Early settlement patterns of the group
7. Occupations in which this group was concentrated
8. Challenges this group faced
9. Settlement patterns and experiences of this group in American society today
10. Use your critical thinking skills to answer the following question:
· Based on your research, would you say that your chosen group has attained the “American Dream?” In other words, has America been a “Promised Land” for your group? Why or why not?
1. Slides must not be covered with paragraphs of writing. Include only short phrases (bullets) and images/visuals. You should explain the content of each slide with your voice, rather than with writing.
2. Do not read from your notes when recording your presentation. Your words should flow smoothly as though you are speaking to someone rather than reading mechanically from your notes. Try to be animated when you speak rather than speaking in a monotone. Try to engage your listener and keep him or her interested in what you have to say.