What can a fast-food chain teach us about society? Following George Ritzer’s theory of McDonaldization this course examines the pros and cons of living in a rationalized world where standardization, predictability, and control prevail. As students learn the sociological concepts of bureaucracy, consumer society, social structures, social change, and social interaction, they will develop their sociological imagination to reclaim a place for creativity, meaning, individuality, and free will in the late modern world.
Welcome to The McDonaldization of Society.
In this LibGuide, you will find a variety of resources on McDonaldization. Each tab is organized by type of resource: books; select original sources used in McDonaldization: The Reader; journal articles; other articles; webpages; and videos.
In this short video, Ritzer explains why it is important for studetnts to learn about McDonaldization and the impact it has on their lives.