Science journals in print at Cannon Memorial Library
You can locate a complete list of ejournals using the AtoZ list for e-resources tool.
The journal databases listed here are going to contain more chemistry journals and chemistry/science information that some other databases that the library subscribes to. If you need help with your search terms, search strategies, or locating information and resources, please feel free to ask for help (800) 359-5845 or
To determine if we carry a journal full text online, use the AtoZ journal finder.
Access Science
Access to all the articles, fully illustrated, from the latest edition of the McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, Research Updates from the McGraw-Hill Yearbooks, thousands of illustrations, and the latest Science News® headlines, biographies, and more.
Academic Search Premier
The world’s largest academic multi-disciplinary database, Academic Search Premier provides full text for nearly 4,700 publications, including full text for more than 3,600 peer-reviewed journals.
Science Direct
Research resoruces for scientific, technical, and medical research.