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Global Studies: Regional Resources
Global Studies v2
International News Sources
Multilateral Organizations
Journals and Reference Resources
Regional Resources
North America
North America: Physical Geography
This National Geographic encyclopedic entry features a guide to North America's physical geography.
South America
The Union of South American Nations is a a 12-state collective established to promote regional integration.
MERSOCUR is a South American customs union and trading bloc which promotes free trade between member countries.
Inter-American Development Bank
An international collective which focuses on economic development in Latin America and the Caribbean.
South America: Physical Geography
This National Geographic encyclopedic entry features a guide to South America's physical geography.
The European Union is a major political and economic establishment comprised of 28 European nations.
Europe: Physical Geography
This National Geographic encyclopedic entry features a guide to the physical geography of Europe.
Middle East
Gulf Cooperation Council
The GCC is a political collective of oil-rich Gulf states.
Middle East Studies Association
A non-political organizations that promotes study of the Middle East as a region.
Africa: Physical Geography
This National Geographic encyclopedic entry features a guide to the physical geography of Africa.
African Development Bank
A collective of 54 African and 27 non-African countries. Stated mission is "to promote sustainable economic growth and reduce poverty in Africa."
African Union
The official website of the African Union, a political, economic, and social collective of African nations.
Asia: Physical Geography
This National Geographic encyclopedic entry features a guide to Asia's physical geography.
Asian Development Bank
Aims to improve underdeveloped countries economically through strategic investment.
Association of Southeast Asian Nations
The official website of ASEAN, a political, economic, and social collective of Southeast Asian states.
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
SAARC is an international organization that promotes social and economic development among member states.
Australia and Oceania
Australia and Oceania: Physical Geography
This National Geographic encyclopedic entry features a guide to the physical geography of Australia and Oceania.
CIA World Factbook
"Povides information on the history, people, government, economy, energy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 267 world entities."
Provides cultural profiles and etiquette tips for countries worldwide.
Academic Organizations
Global Studies Association
A scholarly association which aims to understand and confront issues that arise from globalization.
Regional Studies Association
An organization that provides scholarly analysis on the economic, social, political, and environmental aspects of given regions.