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UE: MUS 110 OL: Spirituals to Rock 'n Roll Online Classes: What is Plagiarism?

Plagiarism Defined

So, what is Plagiarism and why is it important to Avoid?

  • Not giving proper credit to creators of the information you are using. (General plagiarism).
  • Re-using a paper from one class for another. (Self-plagiarism).
  • Tying together information 'creatively' from many sources and then calling it your own work. Paraphrasing. (Mosaic plagiarism).
  • Not carefully citing information that is not your own (Accidental plagiarism).

Students at Saint Leo University who plagiarize may be reported. This could mean expulsion from the course and/or the University. It is regarded as stealing and goes against core values and academic standards. 

Take some time to learn more about plagiarism. Complete the optional tutorial and quiz to test yourself. 

Plagiarism Page