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BIO 498: Final Project Library Guide (Systematic Reviews) [Dr. Berry: Gathering: Finding Places to Search

This guide will assist students with the steps for creating a solid systematic review.

Important Databases for this Project

Keyword Strategies/Boolean Searching

Other methods of Searching

Aside from using AND, OR and/or NOT as Boolean Operators, here are some other tips:

PHRASES: Place phrases in quotes....example: Instead of Acute AND Chest AND Syndrome try "Acute Chest Syndrome" 

MORE ADVANCED: You can try Truncation and Wildcard Searching:

Wildcard & Truncation Searching

Also, look at the ENTIRE PAGE of your search. Are there more limiters on the sides that will help direct your searches? Full-Text...Peer-Reviewed....type of study....etc. 

Examine what other terms appear and create new search terms.