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ENG 121: Writing With Authority--Professor Sultenfuss: Discourse Communities: Searching for Articles

Discourse Community: The Disabled and Plastic Straws



Discussion: What is a Discourse Community? 

Do we all belong to these? 

How does Alice Wong have authority in the disabled community? How does reading about plastic straws from her vantage point shape your views? 

Workshop: Searching in Ebsco

Workshop on Using The Databases: Spotlight on EBSCO

In this workshop, we will discover how to strategically search for different levels of authoritative articles. 

  1. Librarian Demo
  2. Student Demo
  3. Class 10-15 minute searching
  4. Questions and Concerns

Levels of Research

Types of Sources

Internet = Wide variety of information. Evaluate websites carefully.

Books = In-depth, detailed coverage of a topic and background information.

Different Levels of Articles

Peer-Reviewed = Rigorously examined by experts/authorities in specific disciplines. 

Scholarly/Academic = Written at a high level but not ALWAYS peer-reviewed. 

Trade Publications  = Targeted towards professionals in a discipline or industry.

Magazines = Broad summaries of issues for a general audience.

Newspapers = Up-to-date, national and regional information for a general audience.

Levels of Research Sources