Compare and Contrast two things
Identify the argument
- What makes this paper argumentative?
- Compare two subjects and then recommend one as being better than the other overall.
- "Better" may be defined in different ways, depending on your argument.
- It should be clear to your readers that you have chosen one subject over the other and why you have done so.
Introduction of two subjects for comparison (Paragraph 1). The Introductory paragraph explains to your readers why they will want to compare the two subjects, and reviews for them the points of comparison.
- Paragraph two introduces and explains point 1 for comparison and discusses how it applies to both subjects; i.e. apples and oranges.
- Paragraph three introduces and explains point 2 for comparison and discusses how it applies to both subjects.
- Paragraph four introduces and explains point 3 for comparison and discusses how it applies to both subjects.
Conclusion of essay, highlighting the similarities and differences of the two subjects and giving overall recommendations as to which one is superior (better) for the audience.
Choose a topic you know a great deal about and can discuss at length. Think of your skills, hobbies, and interests.
- Could you compare two cell phones to propose to the audience which one you think is a better buy/faster for sending videos and pics/easier to use?
- How about two novels by the same or different authors? Which one is clearly better, and WHY?
- What types of exercises to target abdominal muscles?
- Which residence hall is better to live in - closer to the gym, closer to the lake, closer to San Antonio?