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EDU 710: Educational Leadership : Home

What types of resources are available?

Online Databases and Indexes to Journals:
Contain abstracts and full text for articles from peer reviewed journals, non-peer reviewed journals, magazines and newspapers.

Online Reference Books:
Includes encyclopedias, dictionaries, manuals, etc. that are searchable and readable online.

Selected Websites:
These websites have been recommended by Saint Leo faculty and librarians.

Print Reference Books:
Includes encyclopedias, dictionaries, manuals, handbooks, almanacs, atlases, directories, etc.  (Located in the Cannon Memorial Library/University Campus)

Print Periodicals:
A listing of print (hard copy) periodicals and journals that the library subscribes to.  (Located in the Cannon Memorial Library/University Campus)

How do I cite my resources?

Click on the provided links for help with APA, MLA, or Chicago citation styles:

Leadership in Times of Change

Course Description

This course is designed to provide school leaders with the knowledge and skills to successfully analyze roles and relationships, organizational structures, and use effective leadership strategies to assist stakeholders in decision making that supports student achievement. Using data for decision making protocols is a key component of course activities. The course aligns 2015 ISLLC standards for transforming and sustaining schools through effective leadership strategies.