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PED 315: Health Education: Weight Training: Home

PED 315 Weight Training

This course introduces students to concepts and skills necessary for beginning an effective weight training routine. Students will explore basic sciences underlying weight training, including: muscle anatomy, body mechanics, body adaptations to exercise, weight training principles, and nutrition supporting physical activity. Students will also learn and practice techniques for performing weight training exercises in a safe and efficient manner, and will design a personalized training program to incorporate into an active and healthy lifestyle.

Marion Bowman Activity Center Room 2 and Weight Room

Monday, Wednesday, Friday 11:30-12:20


Brandy Pollicita

Instructor name: Brandy Pollicita, M.S.

Saint Leo e-mail:

Phone Number: 352-588-7037

Office hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

City: Saint Leo

State: FL


Saint Leo Course Instructor:

SLU 125 Choosing Wellness On Campus and Online

PED Health Education: Weight Training

SLU 101 First Year Experience

Time Zone: Eastern