Welcome to the LibGuide for the 20SP section of ART-110HM taught by Jennifer Hawley, PdH. Information is currently being added so keep checking back for updates.
Regarding LATE WORK or CORRECTED WORK, I give precedence in grading to work that was turned in on time in the correct format. If you submit you work late and/or in need of corrections or resubmission, please be aware that your grades on the assignment may be delayed. I can only say that all work turned in by the midterm exam will be graded before I turn your midterm grades and that all work turned in by the final exam will likewise be graded before I submit your final grades. Please remember that no late work from the first half of the class will be accepted after the midterm exam and that the late penalties/policies for each type of assignment are outlined in the class syllabus.--JJH
As you look at your grades on Courses, please make sure you look at the comments by clicking on the grade. Even if you have an A/100%, there may be comments that you will need to take into account for future assignments.
Extra Credit is "all or nothing." If each and every instruction is not followed, no points will be given. If the assignment is ONE WORD SHORT from what is required, NO POINTS will be given. If the assignment is ONE MINUTE LATE from the time/date given in Course, NO POINTS will be given. You must ATTEND/ATTEMPT the Final Exam to be eligible for extra credit.
The class syllabi (link below) will be updated as needed if any changes are made/announced in class.--JJH
Please complete, sign, and e-mail this form to me to request an absence from class be excused.
No copyright infringement is intended by the inclusion of any of the resources on this page. All information is for educational purposes only.--JJH