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AP Wesley Chapel HS: Home



9:30AM Arrival; 1:30PM departure (can be shortened)

  •  30-40 minutes Library for a quick tour, and an instruction session  "PPT demo and Dos and Don’ts"
  •  Campus Tour with Admissions
  • 30 minute library activity on writing
  • 45 minutes  Lunch in cafeteria
  • 45 minutes @Library for instruction


  1. Demonstrate basic understanding of Reference collections using a scavenger hunt
  2. Demonstrate ability to locate print resources in the collection
  3. Demonstrate ability to follow directions to create a PowerPoint presentation
  4. Demonstrate ability to collect and use information as part of a presentation
  5. Demonstrate basic understanding of APA formatting



  • Writing....
  • What makes a good presentation?
  • Overview of research process:
  •  Key Word Searching, Subject Searching
  • How to refine a search
  • What doesn't show up in a catalog search
  • Reference Sources
  • Intro to Daniel A Cannon Memorial Library resources using the catalog and a scavenger hunt

Resources on the Web for today's lesson

Halloween is coming. Today we will explore the Great American Ghost Story in the mid to late 1800s up to WWI. What (if any) are the similarities between this information and the short story by Ambrose Bierce (The Damn Thing).

University Librarian