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HTY 499: History Senior Seminar (Dubois): Home

Welcome HTY499 Students

This course provides students with the opportunity to conduct directed research aimed at the development and presentation of a senior thesis dealing with a significant topic or event in history or political science.  

Potential HTY 499 Topics 2019-2020:

  • The Role of First Ladies (using Abigail Adams, Jackie Kennedy, and Michelle Obama)
  • History of Women’s Political Activism in America (similar to a project from last year)
  • Influence of Catholicism on JFK’s Foreign Policies (john F Kennedy Catholic)
  • Failures in the US Occupation of Iraq (Fail* AND Iraq)
  • King Philip’s War (King Philip AND war) JSTOR
  • Seminole Wars and Andrew Jackson
  • History of Cinema (Cinema AND History)  JSTOR or early cinema history
  • Role of Cinema as Propaganda during World War II (Disney WWII)

YouTube: Why History is Important?

Hope you enjoy this YouTube video about "Why is History Important?"   From James Cook University - Faculty of Arts, Education and Social Sciences

2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog

HTY 499 - Senior Seminar in History

3 credits

Prerequisite(s): Senior standing in history or international studies

Directed research and the development and presentation of a senior thesis on a significant historical issue.  Offered annually.


History Research at the National Archives

13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Abolition of Slavery

Professor Astolfi