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HUS 522: Administration of Aging Programs: Module 6: Current Issues in long-term care





Read: Chapters 7, 8 and 9 in the Yee-Melichar, Flores & Cabigao text

Write a short essay.

  • Learning Outcome: Recognize, understand, and analyze the components of the NOHS ethical code that apply to administration of aging programs.
  • Learning Outcome: Explain how the core values of excellence and community are intricately weaved into the long-term care administration.

See Syllabus for more information


Original response:

  • Define and discuss the various types of elder abuse. For your state, identify mandated reporters. Discuss why it’s important to have mandated reporters for abuse and the specific state requirements for a mandated reporter. If abuse happened in a facility that you managed, what steps would you take to protect the client and organization.


Peer responses: Respond to two peer responses.

  • Offer two additional strategies to address abuse. Discuss if you would utilize your peer's approach.