Systematic TheologyCall Number: ebook
ISBN: 0814683452
Publication Date: 2016
Titlepage; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; Acknowledgments; List of Abbreviations; Introduction; 1. Systematic Theology; The Nature of Theology; Systematic Theology; Counter Currents; Contemporary Theology; Conclusion; For Further Reading; 2. Changing Cultures, New Hermeneutics; From Modernity to Postmodernism; New Hermeneutics; Theological Pluralism; Conclusion; For Further Reading; 3. The Divine Mystery; A Transcendent God; Knowing the Transcendent God; Jesus, God's Only Son; The Holy Spirit; The Trinity; God in Contemporary Thought; Conclusion; For Further Reading; 4. Jesus the Christ.
Discovering the Historical JesusThe Reign of God; Death and Resurrection; New Testament Christologies; Classical Christologies; Contemporary Christologies; Conclusion; For Further Reading; 5. Revelation and Faith; General Revelation; Special Revelation; Dei Verbum; Models of Revelation; Revelation as Symbolic Mediation; Faith; Faith and Salvation; Modernity and the Loss of Faith; Conclusion; For Further Reading; 6. Sin, Grace, and the Human Person; The Myth of the Fall; Paul; Original Sin; A Contemporary Approach; Grace; Catholic and Protestant Perspectives; Conclusion; For Further Reading.
7. Mary and the Communion of SaintsThe Concept of Communion; The Communion of Saints; Mary in the Church; The Marian Dogmas; Conclusion; For Further Reading; 8. Church; The Jesus Movement; Churches in the New Testament; The Church in History; The Church of Vatican II; Contemporary Ecclesiologies; Some Unresolved Issues; Conclusion; For Further Reading; 9. Sacramentality and Christian Initiation; Sacramentality; Contemporary Sacramental Theology; Christian Initiation; Conclusion; For Further Reading; 10. Sacraments of Healing and Vocation; Penance and Reconciliation; Sacrament of the Sick.
MarriageHoly Orders; Conclusion; For Further Reading; 11. Creation and Eschatology; Creation in Scripture; Creation in the Tradition; Creation and Science; Evolution and the Drama of Life; Eschatology; The Four Last Things; Purgatory; The Fullness of Salvation; Conclusion; For Further Reading.