When searching for scientific articles, be as specific as possible. (Once you have an idea of your search terms).
STEP 1: try several general search terms
- Do you get too many results?( generally, yes)
- BUT Are there two or three in the first 10 that seem to be "heading in the right direction"?
- Are keywords provided in any of those articles?
STEP 2: Review your keywords.
- Revise add/remove try other keywords
- Add Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT), or use more specific terms
STEP 3: Review the results lists
- Are you getting better results?
- Try other databases -- sometimes it is not the search terms, it's the database you searching
STEP 4: Review some abstracts of articles that seem to be close or on target, then review the Reference list (bread crumbs).
- Do you see any potential keywords in the abstract that you could try?
- Do any of the titles oif the articles listed in the references look like they might be applicable?
Keep a list of searches/words that worked, and which databases you used for those search terms.