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Social Work: Library Help: Library Support and Help for SWK

Outline of topics


  1. To become familiar with how to search the library’s catalog

    1. Books, ebooks

    2. Refining search after initial search

    3. Identifying types and location of resources

  2. To be able to login to library resources using your SLU email login and password

    1. Troubleshooting & resetting password

  3. To identify which databases and other e-resources are most suited for locating Social Work information


    2. EBOOKS


  4. To identify  the location of Help & How to vdieos, and LibAnswers

    1. Searching for articles

    2. Searching for ebooks

      1. Reading ebooks (changing settings as needed)

      2. Downloading ebooks

  5. To be able to articulate how to get help from the library [(800) 359-5945], with:

    1. Searching databases and the catalog

    2. Writing a paper

      1. Citation resources and support

        1. EasyBib

          1. Creating an account

          2. Using Easybib

        2. Writing Instruction/Support

          1. Grammarly

          2. Writing Instructors

            1. John David Harding 352-588-7576

            2. Angel Jimenez 352-588-8269

    3. Library calendar and Hours