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DBA 705: Management Theorie: Plug-ins

General Support for DBA students

Google Scholar

Do you use Google Scholar?  Get the benefits of Google Scholar from a convenient button in your browser. 

Use the Google Scholar Button to:

  • Find full text on the web or in your university library.  Select the title of the paper on the page you're reading, and click on the Scholar button to find it
  • Transfer your query from web search to Scholar.  Press the Scholar button to see the top three results; click "full screen" in the lower left of the pop-up to see them all
  • Format references in widely used citation styles.  Press the quote button in the pop-up to see a formatted reference and copy it into the paper you're writing


What is EBSCOhost Passport?

With EBSCOhost Passport™, going back and forth between your research on the web and the library website to check if you have access is a thing of the past!

EBSCOhost Passport, now available as a Chrome Extension and a Microsoft Edge Add-on, makes research simpler and more efficient for end users by dynamically inserting links to full text in virtually any web page where DOIs are present. EBSCOhost Passport does this by scanning the page for DOIs, then checking if the user has access to the article either in an EBSCOhost full text database, through a subscribed journal at the publisher site or available as Open Access. It even knows about the authentication preferences of the user’s institution and adjusts the links accordingly.

How do I install the extension?

EBSCOhost Passport is currently available on both Chrome and Microsoft Edge. Use the links below to download and install and then select your institution:

Note: Support for other common browsers coming soon.

How do I use the extension?

Finding Full Text access with EBSCOhost Passport

Once you have installed the extension and chosen your institution, simply browse the web and look for the “E icons” in-context on the page or on the right-hand side:

  • access from your institution indicator icon Indicates access from your institution in an EBSCO Database (will direct you to access on EBSCOhost)

  • access publisher subscribed content icon Indicates access from your institutions publisher subscribed content (will direct you to access on the Publisher’s website)

  • open access content indicator icon Indicates the article is Open Access (will direct you to the preferred Open Access version via Unpaywall)

When you click on an icon, you will be brought to the best full text access URL available from your institution (you may be asked to login).
