Locating Industry Information
To find information on an Industry click on the Industries tab at the top of the site. On the Industries main page you can use the drop-down menus to access the Industry Surveys or Sub-Industry Review publications. If you would like to learn about the industry in which a particular company operates, you can retrieve the appropriate Industry Survey or Sub-Industry Review by using the "Search by Company" tool and entering a ticker symbol or company name.
Companies are associated with only one industry or sub-industry group. If a company operates in multiple industries, it is typically assigned to the industry and sub-industry from which it generates the majority of its revenues. If Standard & Poor's does not publish an industry survey on a company's assigned industry, a company name or ticker symbol search will not produce any results.
Standard & Poor’s NetAdvantage is a comprehensive business information database with searchable content for several Standard and Poor’s publications. It includes business and investment information, news, company and financial information as well as industry analysis. Full-text information is included from the Bond Guide; Corporation Records; Dividend Record; Earnings Guide; Industry Surveys; Mutual Fund Reports; The Outlook; Register of Corporations, Directors and Executives; Security Dealers of North America; the Stock Guide; and Stock Reports. NetAdvantage is also a good place to find the beta for a company’s stocks.
Begin a search for a company by selecting Companies from the blue tabs across the top of the search screen. Use the drop-down arrow to select Company Name or Ticker. Enter the company name or ticker symbol in the search box and click the orange square. The business summary is on the right and the left has the menu of areas for selection. Choose Valuation to see the company’s beta. Financials will have at least seven years of earnings and other financial data. Also here are lists of industry competitors and competitors covered in S & P publications.
To find industry information select Industries from the blue tabs across the top of the search screen. Use the drop-down arrow to select the industry. A sub-industry may also be selected. There is a difference between the Industry and the Sub-Industry Reports. The Industry Reports are lengthy and gives in-depth information. The Sub-Industry Report is a brief synopsis of specific aspects of the industry.
Select “Trends and Projections” from the lower left column to get to the PDF version of the industry report.
To search for information on a company by name or ticker symbol, use the Publication Search tool, which is found both on the home page and the Companies main page. If you would like to identify a group of companies that meet a set of common criteria, you can use the Advanced Search tools located on the Companies main page.
The Advanced Search tools located on the Companies main page allow you to identify companies and stocks that meet a common set of qualitative or quantitative criteria. To access the Advanced Search tools first select a publication from the Advanced search drop-down menu. Use the drop-down menus and search boxes to enter your search criteria, then click the "Search" button. To clear all fields and enter new information before conducting a search, click "Clear."